The Fidget Spinner

The Fidget Spinner Sex Swing Position

The Fidget Spinner

Difficulty 10
  • Single Hook Bar
  • Swivel
The ultimate sex swing position.... if you can do it. This is a hard one. It does require a spinning swing. Some swings are spinning out of the box, others will require the purchase of a swivel. This will not work with dual hook swings unless you purchase an overhead bar.
Compatible Swings

These swings can do this position out of the box.

Trinity 360
Possible Swings

These swings need additional accessories for this position.

Screamer Dual Hook Sex Swing
Original price was: $239.00.Current price is: $199.00.
Wild Side Sex Swing
Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $99.00.
Screamer Ultimate Kit
Original price was: $404.00.Current price is: $359.00.
Screamer Bondage Swing
Original price was: $349.00.Current price is: $299.00.