SexSwing.com is based in Florida with our primary shipping warehouse being located in Northern Michigan. Our staff has years of experience in testing swings, creating sex swing reviews and writing content about sex swings and sex swing installation. We are dedicated to making your life better through the joys of swinging.
First created in 2010 under the name SexSwing.info, we upgraded to SexSwing.com to better show our position as the leader in the swing market. Unlike other websites that talk about sex swings, we actually own, test and use all of these swings. We created and maintain our updated list of the best sex swings available. We have a deep understanding of what makes swings comfortable or versatile. And after years in the business, we have encountered just about everything. Your trust in our company is our highest priority.
Now SexSwing.com is the internet’s most complete resource for sex swings including the widest selection, tutorials, tips, trick, positions guides, reviews and more.